About Me

Beyond conventional interaction patterns

I’m Manish Kansara, an energetic designer who combines rapid prototyping, interaction, motion, and visual design to transform thorny problems into elegant solutions.

My work goes beyond conventional interaction patterns and visual styles. I specialize in consumer products that distill complex data into simple and beautiful visualizations. With my extensive experience working in tandem with engineers, executives, and marketing teams, I know how to ensure user needs are aligned with business goals.

How volleyball made me a better designer

Playing volleyball twice a day for 8 years taught me how to make intentional decisions in complicated situations. I had to work as a team, regularly iterate through practice and understand the psychology of fellow players under intense, competitive conditions. These valuable lessons I learned on the volleyball court have carried over to the digital design work I do today.

Things that put a smile on my face

Volleyball, Cricket, Chess, Traveling and strawberry ice cream 🙂

Skill & Tools


With my extensive experience working in tandem with engineers, executives, and marketing teams, I know how to ensure user needs are aligned with business goals.

Insights & Strategy

Strategy and insights are forward-looking plan for brand.

–  Research & Data
–  Branding & Positioning
–  Innovation
–  SEO


Content helps your company to have the unique plan for brand.

–  Copywriting
–  Social Media
–  Interactive Media
–  Illustration
–  Photography

Experience Design

UI/UX design gives the appearance above brand’s behavior.

–  User Research & Testing
–  Wireframing
–  Prototyping
–  Information Architecture
–  Sitemap
–  UX Design
–  UI Design
–  Interaction Design

Essential Tools

Essential tools helps to transform thorny problems into elegant solutions.

–  Figma
–  Adobe XD
–  After Effects
–  Adobe Photoshop
–  Adobe illustrator
–  Blender


Project by the numbers.


Web & Mobile
Apps designs

Creating a full range UI/UX Web/Apps accross the platform.


Year of
Work experience

My extensive experience working in tandem and individual.

Feel free to message me, I’d love to chat. 🙂

Let's be friends.